Is Coca-Cola Worth It?
I was reading an article entitled "85 Creative Ways to Save Money!" The one tip that made me laugh was 45. Remove soda from your diet - drink water, this will save hundreds of dollars per year. I wondered if this was really true! My dad and sister really love soda, but would they give it up to save a few hundred dollars per year? I will consider it from an American perspective. Assumptions: We can use Coke as the representative for all soda. I know it's the most popular soda ever, and I know a few friends whose demand for coke is solidly inelastic. The average American drinks one can of soda per day. According to a 2012 Gallup survey, approximately half of Americans drink 2.6 cups of soda every day on average. I decided to reasonably simplify this statistic. The average American eats out five times a week. When I google searched "how many times a week do americans eat out", Google smartly responded with: ...