
Showing posts from December, 2014

Just a Feeling

I have been feeling so scatterbrained that I flew B's model airplane into the trash and threw my retainers into the trash.  But I thought I would be able to pull my thoughts together after what's documented below happened and write something that's meaningful to me. Tonight while at L's favorite restaurant (and it's mysterious to me why L vehemently denies this preference) L's friend passed by to say goodbye and apologized for greeting L so late because she didn't see L earlier.  L endearingly said, "well, I didn't see you until now, either.  See you tomorrow.  Who is that you're with?"  I don't think I could have loved anyone more at that moment.

Life Arpeggio

(Note:  Shown in the treble clef is what arpeggios (broken chords) look like:   )   Staying in my play pretend Where the fun ain't got no end Can't go home alone again Need someone to numb share bear the pain ----- When a good thing goes bad It's not the end of the world It's just the end of one world, that you had... We live in a generation of. Not being in love. ----- Thought that I was all alone Broken and afraid But You were there with me Well, and I didn't even know That I had lost my way But You were there with me  ----- I was lost I was in chains The world had a hold on me My heart was a stone I was covered in shame When He came for me I couldn't run, couldn't run from His presence I couldn't run, couldn't run from His arms ----- This endless light shining over all It leads me to Your Glory everlasting.. You gave Your Only Son To bear my shame upon that Cross Y...

White Elephant

Ahhhh, white elephant gift exchanges.  I have neither enjoyed nor hated any white elephant I've participated in.  I participate because I think the name is beautiful. Assuming I find desirable at least one thing...perhaps I could make the exchange enjoyable for myself through strategy to get the thing I want.   One that worked for M. who got my awesome gift last year was a) having everyone else be drunk and b) being quiet while everyone else was loud.   If my item is stolen, a strategy would be to pick an item which someone who has yet to go finds desirable (completely adapted from the Keynesian beauty contest ). A third strategy might be to want something nobody else wants. Is it possible to have a strategy to get whatever befalls me?  If it is...last year, K's "strategy" for me was choosing the biggest wrapped gift.  It was a cake pop maker, and I ended up with it.  I would say that K's strategy was successful ;) This is my wrapped...