"What's the thing that money cannot buy?"

I came upon this question in my feed on Quora and read this answer from someone named James Altucher.

"Joseph Heller wrote the massive bestseller, Catch-22 about World War II. I recommend anyone read the book but that's not what this answer is about. 

Later in his life Heller went to a party in the Hamptons. Mostly young hedge fund guys at the party. 

While he was at the party, someone came up to him and pointed out some 25 year old guy. "You see that guy over there?" the someone said. "That guy made more money last year than all of your books will make in your entire lifetime, times ten." 

Joseph Heller looked at the 25 year old guy then said. "But I have one thing that that man will never have." 

His friend gave a sort of scoff and said, "What could that possibly be?" 

And Joseph Heller said, "Enough.""

If you want to read the other answers (which I haven't read), here's the link: http://www.quora.com/Life/Whats-the-thing-that-money-cannot-buy.


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