Concert Days

I'll be up front and say that figuring out how to rotate photos on the computer was somehow always hard for me.  I don't know how to do it here, so enjoy some sideways photos.

The days of high school orchestra concerts were always crazy all-day rehearsals, with a quick break to get lunch and dinner.  I guess grown-up community orchestras are a little different...the Board actually trusts you to know your stuff!  With all the time I had, I decided to make some garlic parmesan pull-apart bread.  (Before you freak out about the amount of butter used, nobody who I told the amount of butter to was concerned.).  This is the best recipe because I totally botched it making it a few months ago (freezing, unfreezing WHILE rising...and people even ate it half-baked hahaha) yet people fell IN LOVE with it.  Like "send me that recipe now" love.

Before sprinkling parmesan & parsley on top:

All the raw ingredients + parmesan and parsley on top: 

The burnt-looking unburnt finished product:

We played Brahms, Theofanidis (contemporary), and Strauss.  Brahms and Strauss were beautiful as always, and Theofanidis surprisingly captivated my heart!

My snapchat during intermission:

The word about the only savory food item in the room spread:

Beautiful cream & pink roses!

Makeshift vase on a patio table:


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