A Short Play from a Summer Day

S has graciously invited N over for arm wrestling and water on a delightful June afternoon.  N has been going on about how awesome her fedora is - how one simple piece makes her as stylish and as dance-y as Chris Brown is.  S observes this is true.  

S, weary of her own non-hat-wearing status, going to the bathroom, and the prospect of losing yet another arm wrestling match, desperately suggests another activity.

S:  N, let's walk to Castro.
N:  Ok.
S:  Brings floppy hat and newsboy cap.  Let's BOTH wear hats!  Which one looks better?
N:  Stares in disbelief at hat choices.  Well......................................... keeps staring at hat choices.  Do you want to be a farmer or a train conductor?
S:  Thinks about the next few weeks she'll spend in Taiwan's countryside.  (Firmly) A farmer.


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