
Showing posts from 2015

A Short Play from a Summer Day

S has graciously invited N over for arm wrestling and water on a delightful June afternoon.  N has been going on about how awesome her fedora is - how one simple piece makes her as stylish and as dance-y as Chris Brown is.  S observes this is true.   S, weary of her own non-hat-wearing status, going to the bathroom, and the prospect of losing yet another arm wrestling match, desperately suggests another activity. S:  N, let's walk to Castro. N:  Ok. S:   Brings floppy hat and newsboy cap.  Let's BOTH wear hats!  Which one looks better? N:   Stares in disbelief at hat choices.   Well......................................... keeps staring at hat choices.   Do you want to be a farmer or a train conductor? S:   Thinks about the next few weeks she'll spend in Taiwan's countryside.   (Firmly)   A farmer.

Joyfully Caught in His Rhythms of Grace

There's none beside you, God! I live my life to shine Your Light! ... No eye has seen , no ear has heard The depths of Your love, Lord! No mind can fathom the love You deserve, how great You are! -Rhythms of Grace by Hillsong O o O o Jesus...alive in me! -Bones by Hillsong

At the Foot of the Cross

Hi! A song that has my heart is this one - I thought I was making myself more beautiful and attractive with worldly things, but in _reality_ I was crashing, burning, and accumulating ashes. Why am I able to trade these ashes in for beauty?  And why, when I wear forgiveness like a crown, do I feel so free?  Because I have a precious Savior meeting me at the foot of the cross, and He is risen indeed!

A Beautiful Picture of Infinity

From "Amazing Grace" "When we've been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun" Wow.  This is the first time in my life (a) I know what "Amazing Grace" is talking about and (b) have been moved by this song.  Praise the Lord for His amazing grace!

HK HK (Hong Kong Hai Ku)

B coughs on raw fish Crisp market - morning murmurs Sounds seamlessly blend Note 1.  I know you may have thought I should have spelled "hai ku" like "haiku."  I just thought it was so funny that I could write "HK HK" if I separated "haiku" into two words.  In my mind, this separation was justified because there are two Japanese characters representing "haiku:" 俳句 Note 2.  With these notes, I have totally ruined the whole simplistic haiku mentality.   Note 3.  I am about to further ruin this haiku experience by squelching your imagination with a real-life video of the fish stand that inspired this haiku (taken just moments after B coughed all over the fish).